Free Shopify store analysis tool and Shopify product scraper for all Shopify sellers!

Shopify Wise Extension – Best Partner for spying on Shopify
Shopify Wise is a Shopify store analysis tool helps you inspect your competitors' store's product strategy and their best-selling products.
Make Unbelievable Profits With One Click for FREE!

Chrome Extension
Free Shopify store analysis tool
FindNiche Shopify Wise Extension

How Shopify Wise Works?

Visit any Shopify store with Chrome that you want to analysis, keep the page open, that's all!

Automatically identify Shopify stores

  • Analysis of Shopify store information including: Shopify store name, Shopify store theme, product price and so on.
  • Show the new added products and best-selling products.
  • Provide Shopify store's release trend analysis, vendor distribute analysis, product tag analysis.
Free Shopify store analysis tool

Show the bestselling products and new added products of the Store

  • Provide a list of target Shopify store products that can be filtered by category.
  • All Shopify product listing field including title, price, images and so on, and provide links to help you easily find the products you want to see.
  • Export Shopify store products' data to Excel/CSV document, which is compatible with Shopify store import, then you can upload them directly to your own Shopify store.
Free Shopify store analysis tool

Monitor your shop sales in real time

  • Check out the live sales of any Shopify stores, find the most popular products.
  • Simply keep the page open, and you will be able to count the sales of the store and the products sold during the period.
Free Shopify store analysis tool

Get Free Shopify Store Analysis Tool

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