Success story: Doubled Shopify Dropshipping profit with FindNiche!
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A college student doubled his Shopify Dropshipping profit with FindNiche!

We recently spoke with FindNiche user Fred, and he told us his story about FindNiche.

Who's Fred?

Fred is a college student and currently runs an online store selling dog clothes. Like other sellers engaged in dropshipping, after Fred receives the customer's order online, he directly contacts the supplier to deliver products to the customer. This kind of business that does not have to bear inventory and freight costs is just right for Fred, a newcomer with limited start-up capital.

Fred has his unique preferences in the selection of products. He prefers some "strange" products, such as muzzles in skull shape and vicious-looking dog food bowls. 

"Dog clothes reflect the owner's aesthetic and style directly, and the novelty will soon wear off. So the owners value ‘individuality’ more than ‘cost-effective’,” Fred said.

Fred's pains - collecting product information

Despite his own ideas, Fred still difficult in collecting product information. "You can open a Chinese wholesale website, such as Alibaba or AliExpress, there can find a lot of interesting products, but that's just not enough. You have to know how these products perform: Are there any competitors in Malaysia? How should I price them? These are very important questions because it matters to whether the customer will eventually place an order and how much profit can I make from this order."

In order to solve these problems, Fred had spent dozens of time browsing between different websites just to get the information he wanted. "It was inefficient. Sometimes I even wasted an afternoon only to prove that this product is not worthy of my listing."

How FindNiche helps - streamlining the very tedious process of product research

Fortunately, he came across FindNiche on a Youtube video, and after a simple trial, he shouted out about this dropshipping software! Because FindNiche integrates various information that usually needs other tools to obtain, including historical sales, historical prices, competitors, etc., "it is well-done at streamlining the very tedious process of product research."

"Especially I can search for products sold only to Malaysia on FindNiche, which is almost impossible with other software, and in this way, I can locate my customers more accurately!"

Now Fred can take care of both his studies and Shopify store for sale. As FindNiche has greatly reduced his time in integrating information, he spends more time decorating the store and provide additional services to customers.

The gains - the doubled net profit

After using FindNiche for a month, Fred's orders have reached 150% of the previous month. Thanks to flexible price comparison and increased profit margins, this month's net profit has doubled!

"I believe that my investment in FindNiche is absolutely worth it. Who would have thought that it could be so versatile for only $199! I just hope that the "Ad Spy" provides more information, then I can run better campaigns on Facebook and grow my Shopify dropshipping business!"

Why you should choose FindNiche?

As the best dropshipping niches analytics tool for online stores, FindNiche stands out with its unique advantages.

  • Shopify & AliExpress Product Analysis
  • E-com Ad Database
  • Advanced Product Filters
  • Daily Dropshipping Niches Recommendation
  • Reports of Top Dropshipping Shopify Stores
  • more to be discovered...